Pure One™ algae oil is a very pure commercial source of omega-3s grown away from seawater in enclosed facilities on land, untouched by any ocean system. In the oceans, microalgae are the actual source of omega-3s for marine food chains. However, all DHA-rich microalgae oils produced in the USA are from enclosed culture systems with independent quality control analyses that indicate heavy metals and other pollutants cannot be detected in the golden colored oil. Another plus is the claim of no fish odor or reflux taste issues.
Algae oil as a medical food is a clinically proven alternative to fish oil for the same omega-3s, and in a ratio that better matches the human body’s own composition. Pure One™ gives the first and only “metabolic ratio” of omega-3s DHA and EPA from any source and is currently the only plant based source of both EPA and DHA omega-3 made in the USA.
Pure One™ is safe and effective, stable, sustainable, scalable and backed by results for both the heart and brain. Pure One™ is marketed as a solution for worldwide use as a dietary supplement for obtaining long chain omega-3s from one microalgae source.
“I guarantee the purity and potency of Pure One™. There is no seawater contact, no pollution, no impurities in the growing process and Pure One™ is made 100% vegan. As an Infant Formula Grade product, the oil also comes Halal, Kosher, BSE/TSE free, free of fish, allergens, hexane, dye and all toxins, making the oil good for sensitive consumers, diabetics and for the very young and very old, for all ages.” Stated Scott Doughman, PhD, President and Chief Scientist at Source-Omega, the manufacturer of Pure One™.
Fish are increasingly in demand for their omega-3 fats, but the topic of benefit versus risk of regular fish consumption and fish oil supplementation is still hotly debated. Fish oil supplements are considered safe, but only after being decontaminated. In addition, various and prevalent concerns exist regarding the safety, sustainability, and predatory species sources of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids from fish.
In June, Nature Geoscience puplished work demonstrating methyl-mercury persists in oceans ecosystems ten times longer than in fresh water because of the sea salt (http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v3/n7/abs/ngeo892.html).
Mercury exists in crude oil in several chemical forms. Although crude oil mercury is removed during the oil refining process suggests the Intertek website, an oil testing company (http://www.intertek-cb.com/), but when crude oil spills into seawater the mercury inherently pollutes and persists.
With heavy metals in seawater ecosystems, mercury in particular moves up the food chain into the fish supply. Eating fish contaminated with methyl-mercury can cause serious health problems, especially for children and pregnant women as a poison that interferes with the brain and nervous system.
Apart from the concerns raised about the environmental impact of the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, concerns over potentially toxic chemical dispersants used to fight oil spills are present. In addition, detergent-like dispersants could cause deeper and even longer environmental contamination.
“I have recently learned that pink salmon populations plummeted over 90% in the Prince William Sound ecosystem in the mid '80's after the Alaskan spill (http://www.evostc.state.ak.us/recovery/status_pinksalmon.cfm). One question is whether a there will be a greater need for microalgae oil omega-3s if US fish and other seafood populations collapse over the next few years.” said Doughman.